JJ Roofing | All posts archived in 'November 2018' — Page


From monthly archives: November 2018

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'November 2018'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

How Ice Dams Damage Your Home

Winter weather will soon be upon us, which means beautiful snow and icicles hanging from every rooftop. But all of that beautiful ice means damage to your roof and home. When ice dams occur, they can cause serious problems that end up taking its toll on your home and roof.

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Choosing the Right Color for Your Roof

Residential roofing contractors at J&J Roofing explain the steps you should take when deciding which color is right for your home’s roof. We explain how you should take into consideration your home’s energy costs and the look of your home when making this important decision.

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