JJ Roofing | All posts archived in 'February 2020' — Page


From monthly archives: February 2020

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'February 2020'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

What Does a Roof Inspection Involve?

When your roof is working well, it’s one of those things you probably don’t put much thought into. However, if you overlook routine roofing maintenance, a few major storms and a season of snow can be all it takes to cause minor problems you don’t see to become serious ones. Before you end up reaching for a bucket to address a ceiling leak during a rainstorm, it’s a good idea to know the signs of roof trouble to prevent serious problems.

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Can Asphalt be Layered Over Old Shingles?

One of the biggest investments you’ll make as a homeowner is in your roof. When your home needs residential roofing replacement, that means every bit of your original roof will need to be replaced for a new roof to be installed. One of the most common questions we hear from homeowners refers to layering asphalt shingles over your roof’s existing shingles. Homeowners look at this as an option that could save funds on the overall roof replacement by cutting some of the labor costs incurred when removing the old roof.

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