JJ Roofing | All posts archived in 'May 2021' — Page


From monthly archives: May 2021

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'May 2021'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

When Critters Get Into Your Attic and Roof

Michigan in the summertime is alive with an abundance of vibrant wildlife. While there’s nothing quite like watching the squirrels and birds play through your kitchen window, it’s a different matter entirely when they get into your roof and attic.

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Tips for Maintaining a Residential Roof

Follow this advice to keep your residential roof shingles in good shape from the Macomb County roof repair pros at J&J Roofing in Roseville, MI.

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Maintaining and Replacing a Historic Roof

Protect your historic home with expert historic roof maintenance and replacement from the residential roofers at J&J Roofing in Macomb County, MI.

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